Finally realised what was going on with this.

I had a LoginAction:

  | @Scope(ScopeType.EVENT)
  | public class LoginAction implements Login, Serializable
  | {
  |   @Out
  |   SessionTimeoutHander sessionTimeoutHander;
  |   ...
  |   public String login() {
  |     ...
  |     sessionTimeoutHander = Component.getInstance("sessionTimeoutHander");
  |     ...
  |   }
  | }

If a user had made a successful login twice within the same HTTP session (e.g. 
login, hit back button, login again - surprisingly, this scenario shows up 
quite a lot in my access logs!), the call to getInstance() would introduce a 
duplicate object.  When the SFSB destruction code ran, I got the 

The solution was to handle the creation of the sessionTimeoutHandler using a 
regular @In(create=true) against sessionTimeoutHandler and remove the call to 
getInstance().  I was assuming that my code above was equivalent to 
@In(create=true), but clearly it is not.

Although there was no apparent problem in my application, because of exception 
raised during the SFSB clean-up there may be a potential memory leak situation 
since EJB3 cannot successfully destroy objects. The exceptions were recurring 
which would suggest that the objects are being held onto which supports this 

Hope this helps,



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