Ant versus Maven 2.

Ant is very procedural, and very bad at bootstrapping without a lot of work.  
Maven 2 is object oriented and designed around the project model of work.  I 
don't see why you would want to reinvent the wheel with Ant when any ant task 
can be used within Maven 2 when you need to do something procedural.

Using maven definately involves a learning curve.  Its model is very much like 
Eclipse, project oriented.  Spend some time with it and you won't go back.  
Also you can use both, but my guess is work on supporting the ant build will 
drop by the wayside shortly after introducing Maven 2.  Especially when you 
have to start chasing down dependencies, and dependencies of dependencies.

It would also facilitate the nightly build and deployment of the trunk to a 
publicly visible website so we don't have to build the code ourselves to try a 
fix out (this is turning out to be a lot of fun, chasing down all the stuff it 

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