I'm trying to get JAAS to work with remote connections to a server.  What 
happens is it needs to make an initial connection without any login 
information.  It checks some status things on the server.  If that's ok, it 
then can send login information.  Due to user errors it's possible that a user 
will mistype a password.  These are all very common use scenarios I would think 
but I can't figure out if JAAS can even support this.

It doesn't seem like JAAS can even send a message back that says, "that 
username and password was incorrect".  All it does is hang.

Surely Sun didn't invent this huge system without a way to do username and 
password type authentication?  I don't care about retina scanners and 
fingerprints and whatever, just let me log a user in with a password.  Can it 
do that?

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