"ekusnitz" wrote : I'm also trying to get this running on jboss 4.0.5 and I 
observe the following:
  | 1. In jbossweb-tomcat55.sar, the web.xml in the conf folder does not have 
any reference to "myfaces-api.jar", but it does refer to "myfaces-impl.jar"

There is a mistake in Gavin's original instructions.  In conf/web.xml, you need 
to replace the reference to myfaces-impl.jar with jsf-impl.jar.  Here is what 
it should look like when you are done:

  |          <description>JSF standard tlds</description>
  |          <param-name>tagLibJar0</param-name>
  |          <param-value>jsf-libs/jsf-impl.jar</param-value>
  | </init-param>

"ekusnitz" wrote : 
  | 2. When I try adding el-resolver to the application element, Eclispe IDE 
tells me it's invalid

I also don't use Eclipse, so I'm not sure what's going on here.  I suspect that 
Eclipse is looking at the JSF 1.1 DTD.  <el-resolver> is new to JSF 1.2.  
Perhaps if you post the error I can help.

"ekusnitz" wrote : 
  | Finally, which el-*.jar files are we supposed to be using? The ones in Seam?

Yes, the ones in Seam should work fine.

Note that all of this configuration is already done for you if you use JBoss 
4.2 or JBoss 5.0.  JBoss 5.0 has a beta that you can download now.  JBoss 4.2 
should have a beta available soon.  Here are the instructions for using JSF in 
those releases:

The goal for these releases is to make the usability of JSF much like that of 
JSP.  In other words, you don't have to think about installation.  You just use 
it if you want it.  I'd love to get some feedback.

Stan Silvert

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