Hi all,

I have implemented a JCA Resource Adapter that connect to a C++ legacy 
application via socket. My problem is that I cannot get my Pool initialized 
with the proper settings...  I am using the -ds.xml file to set the min. and 
max. for saving some execution time. 

(for my -ds.xml file)

Here are my requirements and assumptions for my TCP/SOCKET Connector 

1) each instance of MyConnection class needs to connect to a separate process 
listening on a different  TCP/IP port.
    connection-#1 -->   localhost:12001  
    connection-#2 -->   localhost:12002
    connection-#3 -->   localhost:12003
2) I am not using authentication since the legacy application runs in a secured 
environment and doesn't supports it !
3) The only difference in my ConnectionRequestInfo objets is the TCP/IP port 
number as per point #1 above. The ConnectionRequestInfo  methods equals() and 
hashcode() are working properly !
4) I am using <application-managed-security/>   in my -ds.xml file.  As 
documented in the WIKI for application managed settings/authentication.

Everything work as it should when I call the 
MyConnectionFactory.getConnection(port_number) from let say an EJB, but not 
when the server allocates himself the connection.  The server is using the 
default values from my -ds.xml file, which is normal.   So, how can I make sure 
that every MyManagedConnection and its MyConnection are created with the proper 
ConnectionRequestInfoImpl data  by either me or as part of the server's life 
cycle ?

Forgot to mention that I have simplify  the  implementation of 
MyManagedConnection and do NOT use a Set for collection the Connection. I have 
choosen to go for a simpler 1 for 1 relationship.


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