Did the glassfish fix for web.xml actually get commited to cvs?  I can't see 
anything related to declaring the Authenticator.

This is what I added to my web.xml:

  |         <ejb-ref-type>Session</ejb-ref-type>
  |         <local-home/>
  |         <local>org.jboss.seam.example.booking.Authenticator</local>         
  |         <ejb-link>AuthenticatorAction</ejb-link>        
  |     </ejb-local-ref>

I did not modify the AuthenticatorAction from the version in cvs. The other 
poster indicated this needs to be changed to a stateless bean?

I'm confused....

The error I am getting is:

/home.xhtml @24,85 value="#{identity.username}": Target Unreachable, identifier 
'identity' resolved to null
  | javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: /home.xhtml @24,85 
value="#{identity.username}": Target Unreachable, identifier 'identity' 
resolved to null

I am running on glassfish 9.0 UR1 - build 48 (the latest production build)

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