"petemuir" wrote : #{application.name} references a String, you are trying to 
set it with a Application object.  Likewise for language.    Read up on JSF 
converters and what they do.  And take a look at the EntityConverter on the 
wiki as it does what you are trying to do for you...

hi again,
for background i read JSF converters,
then i go to wiki for SeamEntityConverter 
i download zip file ant tryed to understand.

after all i deside to do my job.

1.i added xmlns:ec="http://jboss.com/products/seam/entityconverter/taglib"; into 
my facelet. and change selectonemenu component tag like this :

  | <s:decorate>
  |                                         <h:selectOneMenu 
styleClass="font_style" value="#{application.name}">
  |                                             <s:selectItems 
value="#{applications.resultList}" var="name" label="#{application.name}"/>
  |                                             <ec:convertEntity 
  |                                         </h:selectOneMenu>
  |                                     </s:decorate>

2. i modifyed my component.xml file :

  | <framework:entity-query name="applications" ejbql="select a from 
Application a" />
  |     <framework:entity-home name="applicationHome" 
  |     <factory name="application" value="#{applicationHome.instance}" />

3. i put entityconverter.jar file into my WEB-INF/lib.

but page did not load :

  | Value is no String (class=com.magti.seam.beans.billAdmin.Application, 
value=com.magti.seam.beans.billAdmin.Application[applicationId=4]) and 
component _id17:_id26with path: {Component-Path : [Class: 
javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot,ViewId: /login.xhtml][Class: 
javax.faces.component.html.HtmlForm,Id: _id17][Class: 
org.jboss.seam.ui.UIDecorate,Id: _id25][Class: 
javax.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneMenu,Id: _id26]} does not have a 

is there any mistake i did ?

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