Hi Pete,

Cheers for the tip.  I'd seen that but my components are in simple="true" mode 
so I lose this sort of behaviour.  I can't really change this either since:

1. simple="false" causes most components to use tables for their layout and 
this has implications for accessibility/screen readers etc. therefore I am 
avoiding it like the plague;

2. my screen design is sensitive to changes in the size of the fields - my 
fields are constrained to a relatively small space, so any expansion of my 
fields' real estate due to error messages will cause problems with layout;

3. Yes, I would need to customise the l&f.  A custom skin would probably allow 
this, but the <s:decorate> offers the ideal solution in that I can report 
errors globally and then use simple field highlighting (say, change border 
colour or add a small icon) to draw attention to the offending field.

Are you familiar with the <s:validateAll> <s:decorate> UI tag code?  I might 
look to creating a patch to handle Trinidad components - I wonder if making 
this modification is simple or potentially opening a huge can of worms?



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