Per timeout invocation now works for the HTTP transport as well.  For jdk 1.5 
the timeout is set on the HttpUrlConnection.  For jdk 1.4 this option is not 
available, so it is simulated by executing the invocation on a separate thread 
and waiting until the timeout has expired.  The thread comes from a threadpool 
which defaults to org.jboss.util.threadpool.BasicThreadPool, but the thread 
pool can be configured by calling 
org.jboss.remoting.transport.HTTPClientInvoker.setTimeoutThreadPool().  If the 
default thread pool is used, it can be configured by passing 
HTTPClientInvoker.MAX_NUM_TIMEOUT_THREADS (value "maxNumTimeoutThreads", 
defaults to 10) and HTTPClientInvoker.MAX_TIMEOUT_QUEUE_SIZE (value 
"maxTimeoutQueueSize", defaults to 1024) in the configuration Map with which 
the org.jboss.Remoting.Client is initialized.

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