I wonder why this jira issue (http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBREM-534) has 
been closed. Is it fixed already? I am using Remoting Versions 2.0.0 CR1 and 
2.0.0 GA. And I have exactly the problem, that when killing a server and 
restarting it afterwards with another protocol (I tried socket, multiplex, 
sslsocket and sslmultiplex) it fails to receive an incoming connection (I guess 
it's a heartbeat from the JNDI trying to reach the old protocol) and after a 
while shuts down itself.

The method which I use to connect my Server with the JNDI looks as follows:

  | private JNDIDetector detector;
  | public void setupConnection(int port, String host) throws Exception {
  | MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer();
  |             detector = new JNDIDetector();
  |             detector.setPort(port);
  |             detector.setHost(host);
  |             ObjectName name = new ObjectName("remoting:type=JNDIDetector");
  |             server.registerMBean(detector, name);
  |             detector.start();
  | }

Anyway, I found a workaround, that runs for my Application. But this requires 
to set the Clean Detection Number to zero:

  | private JNDIDetector detector;
  | public void setupConnection(int port, String host) throws Exception {
  | MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer();
  |             detector = new JNDIDetector();
  |             detector.setPort(port);
  |             detector.setHost(host);
  |             detector.setCleanDetectionNumber(0);
  |             ObjectName name = new ObjectName("remoting:type=JNDIDetector");
  |             detector.preRegister(server, name);
  |             detector.start();
  |             server.registerMBean(detector, name);
  |             detector.forceDetection();
  | }

I guess this is not the way a JNDI connection should be build up?! And if this 
is a Bug, shall I open a new jira issue?

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