Just to clarify: Jasper is fine for reporting. That's it. You define the design 
of a report and then the numbers and some formating is converted to Excel.

But in my company (and I guess everywhere else, too) people do not want simple 
preformated reports. They want to be able to work with the data, analyze, move 
columns around. This is not really possible in Jasper.

I think there are at least three huge advantages in having that taglib:

1.) Currently we use odbc datasources in Excel documents a lot. But this means 
that we pass database passwords around which is not really nice. And there is 
no really flexible way to specify filters on queries within excel documents.

2.) We are deling with the 65000 Row limit every day - even less for Pivot 
tables.  If Excel is withdrawing data directly we usually have to get them at 
the lowest level so they can be aggregated by Excel pivot.

If I had a taglib we could just ask the user what aggregation he wants and then 
he would download a file with just the data he needs.

3.) If the templating thing would work then I could offload the design and 
creation of reports to the controllers themselves. They would just send me a 
version of there Excel file exactly as they would like to see it and tell me 
which data they want to be copied in there. No time wasted on "beautifying" 

@mjek2: If there is anything I can contribute I would be glad to do so. I have 
some expreience with JExcelApi. Have you some code to share?



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