Well, SwingWorker itself is a lot different from just handling things 
asynchronously.  It's a thread class that you sub-class, and you have a few 

doInBackground: When the SwingWorker is executed, this is the part that starts 
running.  Obviously it happens in a thread so the GUI keeps on redrawing and 
responding to events.  This is the essence of good Swing app building.  
doInBackground can publish notifications to...

process(): This receives information of various types from doInBackground and 
CAN safely update the GUI.  process() runs on the EDT and must return quickly.

and finally...

done(): this runs on the EDT after everything else is done.

This is the only right way to handle things in Swing (either using SwingWorker 
or some other similar thread-based model).  And many processes on the web are 
similar.  The web request must return promptly, just like things on the EDT 
must return promptly.  Long-running work should not be done either during the 
web request or on the EDT, for similar reasons.  In both cases we would like a 
publish() method to update the user of the status of long-running work.  And in 
both cases we want a done() method to let the user know that the long-running 
task is done.

MDBs are not as light-weight or as natural of a fit as SwingWorker, but they're 
one of the few ways I can see to do things asynchronously within the Seam 
world.  I could be totally wrong on that of course, being a newbie to it.

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