Hi Gavin,

creating a specific test case it's been useful to better understand the Seam 
behaviour when I try to create a conversation with a given id or remove a 
conversation and switch to a different one. Ok, this is what I've seen:

1 - Conversation creation with a given ID: If I create a conversation with a 
given id (@Begin(join=true, id="myId1")), Seam creates a conversation with the 
given identifier, but if I have two (but I think also more than two) defined as 

  | ActionOne.java:
  | @Name("actionOne")
  | @Scope(ScopeType.CONVERSATION)
  | public class ActionOne {
  |     @Begin(join=true, id="actionone")
  |     public String startConversation() {
  |         .....
  |         return "one";
  |     }
  | }
  | ActionTwo.java:
  | @Name("actionTwo")
  | @Scope(ScopeType.CONVERSATION)
  | public class ActionTwo {
  |     @Begin(join=true, id="actiontwo")
  |     public String startConversation() {
  |         .....
  |         return "two";
  |     }
  | }

When I start the first conversation, say actionone, everything is ok, the 
conversation has the given identifier; but when I start the second one the 
conversation identifier is the same for both: the first one 'actionone', even 
if the two actions maintain different view ids.

If I pass the conversation identifier as a <f:param> and the param name is 
other than "conversationId" the conversation identifier is ignored. 
If I pass a parameter named as conversationId in a <s:link> to start a 
conversation with a static identifier defined in the @Begin annotation the 
identifier is completely ignored and the conversation gets the value of the 
conversationId parameter.

As a recap:
I can create, correctly, only named conversations following these guidelines:

 - The link to the conversation begin method must contain a parameter named 
conversationId, for example:

  | <s:link action="#{actionTwo.startConversation}">
  |     <h:outputText value="Start Conversation" />
  |         <f:param name="conversationId" value="<something static or EL>" />
  | </s:link>

 - The conversation begin method must be defined as follows:

  | @Name("actionOne")
  | @Scope(ScopeType.CONVERSATION)
  | public class ActionOne {
  |     @Begin(join=true, id="#{param.conversationId}")
  |     public String startConversation() {
  |         .....
  |         return "one";
  |     }
  | }

Maybe I discovered the hot water... But I did not find all these rules to 
follow in the documentation, but probably I did not read very well the 
documentation; so if there's someone else like me... maybe he can loose less 
time than me to get the right way.

2 - Remove a conversation and switch to a different one: 
Conversation.instance().end() works (but does not execute the @End method), 
removes the current conversation, but does not do enough, indeed, in my 
application I need to switch to a different conversation in order to show the 
tab content of the tab which reaches the focus after the tab remotion, then I 
need to do this (or something equivalent):

  |      Conversation.instance().end();
  |      Manager.instance().switchConversation(focusedTabConversationId);

but this unfortunately does not work (as I would) and, more precisely, happens:
 - if I call only the Conversation.instance().end() Seam does not switch to the 
conversation of the tab which reaches the focus and then does not show the 
correct data, moreover, in my situation the outcome of the tab removed and of 
the tab focused can be the same (and in my tests were the same) with the effect 
that the screen is frozen with the data I just removed;
 - if I call both the methods Seam performs the conversation switch correctly 
and shows the correct tab but does not perform any conversation remotion 

an example of my scenario: I have a search tab, a user can search for 
something, when finds what he needs selecting the related link opens a new tab 
with the detail and then closes the search tab, if he needs to open again the 
search tab is to search something else but everything he made before is already 
on the screen.

So, this is what I found... But I need a little of help to understand if I made 
something wrong, if it's a known behaviour a bug.....

Raffaele Camanzo

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