I map it to the "model"...
private Organisation[] organisations;

(Easier to work with IceFaces with an Array!)

Thats all..

>From Page...

  | <ice:dataTable id="organisationsTableComponent" value="#{organisations}" 
var="the_organisation" sortColumn="#{findOrganisationController.sortColumn}"    
   sortAscending="#{findOrganisationController.ascending}" rows="10">

>From backing Bean....

  | /** 
  |  * @author Tony Herstell 
  |  * @version $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2007-02-13 04:46:40 $ 
  |  */ 
  | @CacheConfig(idleTimeoutSeconds=1800)
  | @Stateful
  | @Name("findOrganisationController")
  | @Scope(ScopeType.SESSION)
  | public class FindOrganisationControllerImpl implements Serializable, 
FindOrganisationController {
  |     @PersistenceContext(type = EXTENDED)
  |     private EntityManager em;
  |     @DataModel
  |     private Organisation[] organisations;
  |     @Logger
  |     private Log log;
  |     @In(create=true)
  |     @Out
  |     private Organisation organisation;
  |     @In(value="organisationSearchCriteria", create=true)
  |     private Organisation organisationSearchCriteria;
  |     @In
  |     private Map<String, String> messages;
  |     /*
  |      *  GUI Support
  |      */
  |     public static final String ALL_OPTION = "all";
  |     public static final String FILTERED_OPTION = "filtered";
  |     private String selectedSearchCriteriaPanel = ALL_OPTION;
  |     private String sortColumn;
  |     private boolean ascending = false;  
  |     private boolean physicalDontCare = true; //     Used for filtering only.
  |     private static final String PHYSICAL_VALUE_REQUIRED = 
  |     private static final String PHYSICAL_VALUE_NOT_REQUIRED = 
  |     private String physicalValueRequiredPanel = PHYSICAL_VALUE_REQUIRED;
  |     /*
  |      * Searh String
  |      */
  |     private static final String ALL_QUERY = "select o from Organisation o";
  |     private Query query;
  |     /*
  |      * Methods
  |      */
  |     @Factory("organisations") // Is run whenever this bean is created (we 
know its going to be the "All" query.
  |     public void initOrganisations() {
  |             log.info("> initOrganisations");
  |             applyAllQuery();
  |             log.info("< initOrganisations");
  |     }

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