I got it, there was the another copy of the same version of the antlr jars on 
the classpath. 

However, now I get the following:

  | 12:20:16,037 ERROR [[/brgjava]] Session event listener threw exception
  | org.drools.rule.InvalidRulePackage: Unable to create Field Extractor for 
  | Unable to create Field Extractor for 'action'
  | Unable to create Field Extractor for 'name'
  |         at org.drools.rule.Package.checkValidity(Unknown Source)
  |         at org.drools.common.AbstractRuleBase.addPackage(Unknown Source)
  |         at org.jboss.seam.drools.RuleBase.compileRuleBase(RuleBase.java:70)

My rules file is from the example:

  | package MyApplicationPermissions;
  | import org.jboss.seam.security.PermissionCheck;
  | import org.jboss.seam.security.Role;
  | rule CanUserDeleteCustomers
  | when
  |   c: PermissionCheck(name == "customer", action == "delete")
  |   Role(name == "admin")
  | then
  |   c.grant();
  | end;

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