I'm writing some (configuration level) code that needs to know which Seam 
components are installed. It actually needs to know which Seam components also 
have a @my.Configuration("description") annotation.

My current approach is to register these manually in components.xml:

  | <component name="systemConfiguration" class="SystemConfiguration">
  |     <property name="configurableComponents">
  |         <key>fooComponent</key><value>description one</value>
  |         <key>barComponent</key><value>description one</value>
  | ...
  |     </property>
  | </component>

Ideally I'd like to either listen to events send by the Seam deployer, or if 
that is way to early in the boot to get events/listeners going, I'd like to 
access the Seam component "repository" programmatically later on. I only found 
methods like Component.forName(), no Component.getAll().

I'm also thinking about subclassing ComponentScanner as ConfigurationScanner 
and scanning again for my annotation, but that is probably slowing down the 
boot procedure.

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