The @ManyToMany definition on one of the sides is incorrect.  For bidirectional 
relationships one side must be the owner.  The side using "mappedBy" is the 
inverse side, which means it updating it does NOT update the relationship.

If this was generated it's probably a seam gen bug.  To fix your generate 
objects you'll need to do the following to ONE of the @ManyToMany's.

1) Remove the mappedBy attribute
2) Add a @JoinTable

So updating A to be the owner side does this.  B would be unchanged.  If you 
want B to be the owner side do the same but swap A_ID and B_ID round in the 
joinColumns/inverseJoinColumns attributes.

  | @ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
  | @JoinTable(
  |         name="C",
  |         [EMAIL PROTECTED](name="A_ID")},
  |         [EMAIL PROTECTED](name="B_ID")}
  |     )

Submit a bug report JIRA and I'm sure something will fix it, although guessing 
the owner side will be fun.



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