I am getting the following exception:

  | java.lang.NullPointerException
  |     at org.jboss.seam.core.Expressions.getValidator(Expressions.java:198)

Here is the scenario. I am trying to decompose my facelets into multiple 
reusable fragments. For example:


<h:panelGrid ...>
  |     <h:outputLabel value="Code" for="code"/>
  |     <s:decorate>
  |             <h:inputText value="#{entity.code}" id="code"/>
  |     </s:decorate>
  | </h:panelGrid>

I then do an include in various places such as:

<ui:include src="EditPanel.xhtml">
  |     <ui:param name="entity" value="#{myentity}" />
  | </ui:include>

The edit panel retrieves the data properly using #{myentity.code} leveraging 
the entity param.
However, validation appears to ignore the param and uses #{entity.code} which 
returns null.

Shouldn't this work or is it a seam enhancement? Obviously I can refactor my 
facelets to get around this, but it would be nice to leverage all the feature 
of facelets.

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