ok - so I now have 'script' contents being executed.  Had to uncomment the 
Script.hbm.xml reference from jbpm's hibernate config file and include bsh.jar 
in my classpath.  There is doco on this, but it didn't jump out at me 
initially.  IMO, having Script support  disabled by default is a bit weird.

In the following jpdl, I get to the point of executing the contents of my 
script element.  However bsh pukes saying it can't resolve the variable 
'ecgProcessNameLookup', which is a seam component, and is already successfully 
used in the decision's expression attribute.  The variable element referencing 
this does nothing to help the situation.

My next step is to learn more about the context that script has available, and 
how to work with it.  

dslevine -  Thanks very much for your help so far. 

  | ?xml version="1.0"?>
  | <process-definition name="DispatchInboundECG"
  |                     xmlns="urn:jbpm.org:jpdl-3.1">
  |     <start-state name="start">
  |         <transition name="begin" to="determineInterpretationProcess"/>
  |     </start-state>
  |     <decision name="determineInterpretationProcess"
  |               expression='#{ ( 
ecgProcessNameLookup.determineInterpretationProcessName == null ) ? "Yes" : 
"No" }'>
  |         <transition to="completed" name="Yes"></transition>
  |         <transition to="doInterpretation" name="No">
  |             <script>
  |                 <expression>
  |                     String interpretationName = 
  |                 </expression>
  |                 <variable name='interpretationName' 
mapped-name="intepretationName" access='write'/>
  |                 <variable name='ecgProcessNameLookup' 
mapped-name="ecgProcessNameLookup" access='write'/>
  |             </script>
  |         </transition>
  |     </decision>
  |     <node name="doInterpretation">
  |         <action 
  |         <transition to="completed"/>
  |     </node>
  |     <end-state name="completed"/>
  |     <end-state name="doInterpret"/>
  | </process-definition>

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