Hello all,

I have a problem in my client application in receiving messages published by a 
SessionBean. I am using JBoss MQ came with JBoss 4.0.5GA.

None of the messages published by my SessionBean (to a queue) would end up in 
my client's application. My SessionBean had no problem looking up the 
destination using the JNDI name and created a MessageProducer for the channel. 
My client had no problem looking up the channel and created a MessageConsumer 
for the queue.

To be sure it was not my client, I'd created another test app (MessageProducer) 
to publish messages to this queue. These messages ended up in my client's 
application without any problem. It had got to be my SessionBean publishing to 
the wrong channel. The funny thing is, the same name was used and no exception 
was thrown. No other queue were declared in the *-destination-service.xml.

How would one go about debugging this kind of problem in JBoss? jmx-console 
does not seem to provide message count for a queue. What other tools are 
available to help us?


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