The CacheLoader discussed on the link you posted is not meant to be used with 
EJB entity caching.  A CacheLoader allows the cache to maintain a persistent 
form of some or all of the data the cache is managing. In the case of entity 
caching, having the cache do this is redundant; the underlying database from 
which the entities come is already a persistent store.

As to why you're still seeing queries, that's hard to say.  Some possibilities:

1) The queries are not of the simple 'select record from table where 
primary_key = ?' type.  In that case Hibernate will be executing queries to 
determine the PK of entities that match your requirements, and then will either 
get then entity from the cache or from the DB.  (Note: you can also configure 
the EntityManager to cache the results of such queries.)

2) Entities are being evicted from the cache to save memory (it has an eviction 
policy configure).  If the entity is evicted, the EntityManager will have to go 
back to the DB.

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