"petemuir" wrote : Just download the zip for 4.2.CR1, unzip it, and deploy the 
app.  No installer needed
You're right, thanks.

How can we assure the "Important Note: If you want to use EJB3 or Seam, you 
MUST use the JEMS Installer" will be removed when Seam 1.3 is released? Should 
I add an issue to JIRA? This will also apply to the Getting Started, which is 
already outdated anyhow. Of course, we can change the wiki ourselves.

Just for the archives, to use Seam 1.3.x from CVS:

- download JBoss AS 4.2 CR1 and unzip it
- check-out jboss-seam from :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/jboss
- edit build.properties to set jboss.home (ignore the Tomcat settings)
- run "ant antlr" to generate SeamTextParser and SeamTextLexer
- optionally edit build.xml to read something like the following (I guess this 
should be fixed in CVS):
    <property name="version" value="1.3" />
  |     <property name="patchlevel" value="0.SNAPSHOT" />
- when getting compile errors in GWTRemoteService then optionally download the 
Google Web Toolkit (Beta), unzip, copy gwt-user.jar to jboss-seam/lib and add 
the JAR to Eclipse using Project, Properties, Java Build Path, Add JARs (this 
gets one com.google.gwt.user.client.*; I'm not sure if this is the right 
approach to get rid of the errors)

And then, for example:
- run "ant deploy" from examples/dvdstore
- browse to http://localhost:8080/seam-dvd

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