"jgilbert" wrote : I have the seam-pdf functionality working in my application. 
Now I want to have a background process create PDFs periodically. Currently I 
am using commons-httpclient to call out and back into my app and handle the 
redirect to create a PDF.
  | It works but does anyone have a better way to do this?

I'd like to know it too.

But if you are simply sending PDFs by email here is a very elegant solution:


anonymous wrote : And it gets even better, you can attach a Seam generated PDF, 
or any standard JSF view, just by wrapping a <m:attachment> around the normal 
tags you would use:
  | <m:attachment fileName="tiny.pdf">
  |   |     <p:document>                                                      
  |   |         A very tiny PDF                                                 
  |   |     </p:document>
  |   | </m:attachment>

I must say that I didn't try it myself yet.

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