
Yes, I did all of your mentioned methods.  Otherwise, you think I could get it 
done :).

For tree component, I was using Apache Tree2.  The weird thing is the 
combination of AJAX4JSF won't work well with the <h:commandLink>.  I had to use 
<s:link> instead. Now for ending the a form's conversation when user clicks on 
a treenode or tab, I used <s:link propagation="end"> to close any form that is 
being opened that has conversation scope, which failed to end the current 
conversation sometimes.  And BTW, each tab will have its own Tree2 navigation 
menu tree display as well.

For window conversation isolation, there wasn't any need for it but I knew that 
since each time the @Begin got call, it will create a new id across the 

As far as my app requirements, some search form has to be in session, specially 
those that requires to display the conversationList stack, while other are just 
conversation scope.

Well, I can tell that I had fun implementing a full blown app using Seam.  But 
I am a bit skeptical to recommend or use it again soon.  Unless there is a 
solid sample app bundled with Seam download that has some type of complex 
interface layout, like the trees and tabs, that handles the conversations 

Thank you.

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