
I understand that I can't inject stuff that is not there.
In my example the "bookingDatabase" would be there as it is defined in 
components.xml as an application wide thing (I assume).  This is as per the 
@In EntityManager bookingDatabase; 

To give you a little more background... we have a big app that uses basic ejb3 
SLSB for the business layer.  The existing Servlet front end is talking via 
Remote calls to this fine.  We are in the process of moving towards Seam and 
have a new layer on top of the BL utilising Seam SFSB's and JSF.  This is also 
working fine.  The problem is that we want to use avoid LazyInitialiastion 
problems when the existing BL layer returns objects with lazy relation ships 
(to the Seam layer).  If we use the  Seam-managed persistence context this 
works.  However I want to understand how this works when a normal client JVM 
calls the EJB's.  


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