"MGarl10024" wrote : 
  | Section 11.11 from the Reference Manual stating "jBPM includes an optional 
identity component that can be easily replaced by a company's own identity data 
store" is just not working out like planned.
  | - If you remove it, other things break.  
  | MG

The identitity datamodel which you implement must provide three primary 

  | 1. USER - key, name, password
  | 2. ROLE - key, rolename (There must be a role for every swimlane you 
specify in your diagram, this is the problem in your case)
  | 3. USERROLE - this is the tricky bit.  
  | Every USERROLE must have a combination of a valid user and a valid role, 
and provide the means for the JDBCUserRealm implementation you choose (tomcat, 
jetty, jboss, etc) to lookup these associations.    The one for tomcat is 
documented on the wiki.  Here's the config I use for jetty's 
  | usertable: JBPM_ID_USER
  |   | usertablekey: ID_
  |   | usertableuserfield: NAME_
  |   | usertablepasswordfield: PASSWORD_
  |   | roletable: JBPM_ID_GROUP
  |   | roletablekey: ID_
  |   | roletablerolefield: NAME_
  |   | userroletable: JBPM_ID_MEMBERSHIP
  |   | userroletableuserkey: USER_
  |   | userroletablerolekey: GROUP_
  | Note how I am using the default tables which are provided with the jbpm 
identity mechanism, but the specification of the keys and fields is the 
critical bit for the jbpm-console to do the lookups through the provided Realm. 
  | Unfortunately, the tomcat wiki pages are not clear enough about the fact 
that one must provide a complete JDBCUserRealm, with every field mapped, for 
things to work.

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