Thank you for that.  I read the same thing and was trying to set the 
classloading in the war files as a desperate measure.  Upon startup I get 
warnings saying that JBoss is going to ignore the loader in the war files 
because only the root deployment can set it.

It must be a classloading issue I just don't know a way around it.  I tried 
removing the seam jar from the application.xml file hoping this would stop the 
jar from being seen by all the components.  That worked and of course stopped 
the seam app from working as well.  I then set the Class-Path in the 
MANIFEST.MF file of the Seam EJB jar which brought up the same problem again.  
It looks like adding the jar to any artifacts classpath makes it visible to 

I don't know of any way in a jar/war to say exclude from class path (of course 
thats assuming that it would solve the problem).

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