anonymous wrote : anonymous wrote : use oci driver (in case with oracle)
  |   | 
  | is it helpfull ?? do you think that oci driver is so faster then thin 
driver ?
I'm not sure in case of perfomance (thin driver had some bugs and i switched to 
oci (but this was long ago, now maybe thin also ok)

anonymous wrote : of course i use Thread, Thread will be created on client side 
and all of them calls my stateless session beam method, i tried to create 50 
Threads, and my pc is enough strong, it has 16 CPU, and 16 GB Memory, Sun 
As I unterstood, every client Thread creates (calls ejb witch creates TR) his 
own transaction? so in reality you have 10000 transactions with one insert 
statement, thats of cource i think should be slow. In my case I called only one 
time ejb , so 1 TR was created then 8 Threads started to persist and flush.

anonymous wrote : and i cant found any documentation about stored procedures 
into ejb 3.0, can anybody show me it ?

Example to call stored function 
                try {
  |                     HibernateEntityManager hem = 
  |                     Session session = hem.getSession();
  |                     Connection connection = session.connection();
  |                     CallableStatement proc = connection.prepareCall("{ ? = 
call getNBVZSInfo(?, ?) }");
  |                     proc.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR);
  |                     proc.setString(2, traderCode);
  |                     proc.setString(3, userName);
  |                     proc.execute();
  |                     result = proc.getString(1);
  |           "Info: " + result);
  |             } catch (Exception e) {
  |                     log.error("getNBVZSInfo, error: " + e);
  |             }

and oracle functions looks like:

  | FUNCTION getNBVZSInfo(traderCode varchar2, userName varchar2) RETURN 
varchar2 is
  |  rez varchar2(4000);
  |  begin
  |   rez := 'hoho and the bottle of rum';
  |   return rez;
  | end;

But again if bussines logic alows procedure to store 10000 , so one ejb call 
also can store 10000 in one call and if you will call oracle procedure 10000 
time thats also will be slow.

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