Now I am really confused.

First of all let me update the sample code.

  | @Stateful
  | @Name("A")
  | @Scope(ScopeType.CONVERSATION)
  | public class ABean implements Serializable, A
  | {
  |    @In
  |    private EntityManager                            em;
  |    @In(create = true)
  |    @Out(required = false)
  |    A a;                                      // A entity bean
  |    @End(beforeRedirect=true)
  |    @Rollback
  |    public String cancel()
  |    {
  |       return "/AList.xhtml";
  |    }
  |    @Begin(nested=true)
  |    @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED)
  |    public String initCreate()
  |    {
  |       ....
  |      a = new A();
  |       return "/A.xhtml";
  |    }
  |    @End(beforeRedirect=true)
  |    @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED)
  |    public String processCreate()
  |    {
  |       ....
  |       a = em.merge(a);
  |       return "/ListA.xhtml";
  |    }
  | }

I have traced what happens at database level and I discovered that the database 
transaction is started at the merge statement and committed after that the 
method is ended. I presumed at the end of the conversation.


I removed  @End(beforeRedirect=true) from the processCreate() method.
The database transaction is STILL started at the merge statement and STILL 
committed after that the method is ended.

What is going on ? I thought that using a long-running conversation I was able 
to manage more http requests before actually write to the database and I 
thought that the database transaction was committed only at the end of the 
method annotated with @End. 

Probably I am wrong !

Please, can anyone explain to me which is the relationship between conversation 
and transaction ? Is this stuff documented somewhere ? 




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