OK, I've cracked what the cause is.  Perhaps someone who understands the 
annotations could now explain why it happens:

It goes wrong if the code has @Stateful commented out (or I use @Stateless 

package org.jboss.seam.example.booking;
//imports ......

// other code
@Destroy @Remove
   public void destroy() {}

but, not if I don't comment out the @Stateful

package org.jboss.seam.example.booking;
//imports ......

// other code

@Destroy @Remove
   public void destroy() {}

It seems to be associated with the presence of the @Destroy and @Remove tags.  
If these are present and the bean is not @Stateful then I get this deployment 
error.  I sort of understand from the tutorial that you need @Destroy @Remove 
if the bean is stateful.  I didn't get that you couldn't have them if it wasn't.

I supposed (perhaps naively) that this type of error would be picked up at 
compile time. 

Is there some kind of checker that can be run to look for this sort of thing?

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