"karl.martens" wrote :   I've just had a brief look at the Jakarta Cactus and 
it look promising.  I will investigate and see if I can get it to work for my 
  |   AS far as connecting as a client it depends what you mean.  I had 
considered using a test running like Watir and Ruby to test the application via 
http request response.  I will use this approach for high level business case 
tests but I've found that the speed of these type of tests make it difficult to 
get high degrees of test coverage.
  |   If you meant connecting directly to the EJBs vie a remote interface, I 
hadn't considered that.
  |   Thanks for your reply much appreciated, gave me something to consider.

No problem. Unit testing of EJB:s is still a pain I think. I've really been 
waiting for the embeddable container, since this would simplify a great deal. I 
usually write separate ejbs for unit testing, just to be able to inject any 
dependencies I need. Regarding the client high level-approach, I agree with you 
that it's pretty useless since the pre and postconditions are to much of a 
hassle to check. Would be sweet to have a TestNG-pojo and just get the entity 
manager in a nice and clean way. Of course, this requires being in the same 
JVM, and hence you need to deploy the tests to the server (cactus helps here), 
or start the server in local JVM (embeddable). 

The other problem I'm having is that maven expects the tests to be able to run 
directly after compilation, which usually makes me having a separate subproject 
for my ejb unit test. This does encourage refactoring a lot of logic into 
utility classes (makes that logic easily testable) , which I think is good, but 
the tests needs to be separated from the actual build and deploy process, which 
I think is really bad.

I like this discussion. Does anyone have a nice clean solution for how to unit 
test J2EE projects?

I'm happy to contribute with the stuff I've came up with (config, patterns, 
code etc).


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