How and where ca I turn this on?

I noticed something very interesing so: I used   
 on the first call to the SLSB (stateless) and the transaction gets stopped! In 
the logfile I see: 

007-05-04 14:56:08,090 ERROR [org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.TimerImpl] Error invoking 
ejbTimeout: javax.ejb.EJBException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: 
Transaction present on server in Never call

However, if I place the annotation on the method, which actually creates a 
single entity and gets called by, then nothing happens. So this explains why 
placing @TransactionAttribute(REQUIRES_NEW) on it does not work either!

The big question now is why? Do you have idea? Here once more the flow of 

1. User clicks button
2. userSchedule() gets called on SFSB1
3. scheduleMessages() gets called on SLSB1 by SFSB1
4. scheduleMessage() gets called by SLSB1 many times

Placing "@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NEVER)" on 
scheduleMessages() stops the flow of execution. However, placing it on 
scheduleMessage() has no effect!!

Why is that?

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