Hi. I want to make list filtering. 
On the page i have some dataTable like

  | <rich:dataTable var="action" value="#{actionList.resultList}"
  |                                             rendered="#{not empty 
rowClasses="rvgRowOne,rvgRowTwo" id="actionTable">
For filtering i have selectOneRadio and commandButton like

  | <h:selectOneRadio value="#{actionManager.actionFilter}">
  |                                         <s:convertEnum />
  |                         <s:enumItem enumValue="ALL" label="All" />
  |                         <s:enumItem enumValue="SENT" label="Sent" />
  |                         <s:enumItem enumValue="NOT_SENT" label="Not sent" />
  |                                      </h:selectOneRadio>
  |                                      <h:commandButton 
action="#{actionManager.filterActions}" value="Filter"/>
For getting the list of actions i use entity query

  | @Name("actionList")
  | public class ActionQuery extends EntityQuery {
  |     private static final long serialVersionUID = 4880758385999261380L;
  |     private static final String[] RESTRICTIONS_ALL = { "" };
  |     private static final String[] RESTRICTIONS_SENT = { "a.sent == 1" };
  |     private static final String[] RESTRICTIONS_NOT_SENT = { "a.sent == 0" };
  |     @Logger private Log log;
  |     @In(required=false)
  |     private ActionListFilter actionFilter;
  |     @In
  |     private ActionManager actionManager;
  |     @Override
  |     public String getEjbql() {
  |             return "select a from Action a";
  |     }
  |     public List<String> getRestrictions() {
  |             log.debug("filter bean: #0",actionManager.getActionFilter());
  |             log.debug("actionFilter: #0",actionFilter);
  |             if (actionFilter== null || actionFilter.equals(ActionListFilter 
  |                     return new ArrayList<String>(0);
  |             }
  |             else if (actionFilter.equals(ActionListFilter .SENT)){
  |                     return Arrays.asList(RESTRICTIONS_SENT);
  |             }
  |             else if (actionFilter.equals(ActionListFilter .NOT_SENT)){
  |                     return Arrays.asList(RESTRICTIONS_NOT_SENT);
  |             }
  |             return new ArrayList<String>(0);
  |     }
  | }
So as you can see above i building the restrictions according to option 
selected by user on the form. The problem is that the line

  | log.debug("actionFilter: #0",actionFilter);
return null, but later on the action the filter is not null (see bottom)
So the query is executed before my bean method. 
I decided to get the value directly from bean but it is null. 
Here are the logs

  | 17:29:03,250 DEBUG [ActionQuery ] filter bean: null
  | 17:29:03,250 DEBUG [ActionQuery ] actionfilter: null
  | 17:29:03,250 DEBUG [ActionQuery ] filter bean: null
  | 17:29:03,250 DEBUG [ActionQuery ] actionfilter: null
  | 17:29:03,281 DEBUG [ActionManagerBean] actionfilter: SENT
For me the query is executed before form params gets updated. 
In bean the value is correct. 
Is this possible to create sth like this without using @Factory methods ?? 
(beacuse i this it should work in Factory... but may also not work)...
Anyone had similar problem or maybe know the solution

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