Hi there,
as promised for EJB3 I am trying to get rid of ejb-jar.xml. I have a problem 
when trying to set jndi-name of my EJBs in jboss.xml
I deploy the same EJBs in different apps and I used to set different jndi names 
in 2.1 EJBs in jboss.xml.

Doing so I am getting the following error:
org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Error in jboss.xml for Bean 
Annotation: found in jboss.xml but not in ejb-jar.xml

do I need a ejb-jar.xml file if I use jboss.xml? I've tried to copy and paste 
old 2.1 EJBs ejb-jar.xml into my EJB3 ejb-jar.xml, but then jboss understands 
them as 2.1 EJBs and not EJB3, even setting the correct doctype and xml schema 
in the ejb-jar file.
(Anyway, what I want is not to use at all ejb-jar.xml)

Thanks for any help.

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