I'm trying to use  Mysql als  login database  but  i run into sevral problems.

1) my   roles database  is  composed  of 2 items,
      --MainFunction related(say default roles)   and  person relates(roles)
my role file is a union of 2 queries connected with a variable.
doing so  I select 3 Coloms instead of 2 Coloms, (RoleID, RoleGroup, a bogus 

 this  seems  to lock up the DatabaseServletLoginModule 
any  idea's  on how to solve this 

<module-option name = "rolesQuery">
SELECT allow as ROLEID,  Role as RoleGroup ,@f:=at.Func FROM authorize 
ah,authenticate at
WHERE at.user_name=ah.user_name
AND (at.user_name=?) AND (at.Domain='domain')

      union select allow as ROLE,  Role as RoleGroup , 'add' FROM authorize as 
ah1 WHERE [EMAIL PROTECTED] </module-option>

Alternatively  I had a look in using  a stored procedure  to add a kind of  
logging on roles access and doing the above in a stored procedures.

the DatabaseServletLoginModule  does  not seem to like  store procedures either.

    "rolesQuery"> call Roles(?)</module-option>

Any  idea's  on how to solve this 

Thanks  in advancce

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