cool, but the questions behind my problem were:
1) do you have to use MyFaqes instead of the JSF implementation of WAS (Is it 
your case)? 
2) Indeed, if you put all your code in the war, seam works, but this is not 
acceptable to us. We have to separate our sevices/managers/model classes into a 
"utility" jar and have the war depends on it, and only have classes related to 
presentation in the war (view controllers/backing beans). This seems to not be 
possible if you want to uses seam annotation in any class in the utility jar, 
as jboss-seam.jar must be placed in the ear file directly has any other 
framework jar (log4j, etc..). and as you point it out, this does not work

A workaround is to have an utility jar for the "business" classes and deploy it 
under the war WEB-INF/lib directory....arghh

See my other posts in tha forum on that topic.

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