I've been using a
 public class BaseHome extends EntityHome<Base>
class to manage persistence for a collection of sub class entities that inherit 
from Base. 

For sub classes which have been persisted to the database things work as 
expected. I can setId(), getInstance(), and persist state changes to the 

I would like to create new entities using BaseHome, but I need a way to specify 
which concrete subclass should be instantiated. Here's what I've tried to do:
public class BaseHome extends EntityHome<Base>
  | {
  |         @Override
  |         public void create()
  |         {
  |                 setEntityClass(Subclass.class);
  |                 super.create();
  |         }
  | }
  | public class Subclass extends Base{}
With the result:The method setEntityClass(Class<Base>)
  | in the type Home<EntityManager,Base>
  | is not applicable for the arguments (Class<Subclass>)

Am I using the EntityHome framework in a manner that was never intended? Should 
I  build my own bean for managing this object heirachy?

As always, I greatly appreciate the insights the members of this forum share.

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