Hi Folks!

I have the following scenario:
I want to create a component that manages relationship between entities. To 
make it reusable, i have two general managers, which are templated EJB3 session 
beans and manage some buisness objects.
These entities are derived from two interfaces AssociationMaster and 
AssociationSlave respectively. Their methods can tell which fields of the two 
entitys map the relationship betweeen them. So the only thing my component 
should be depend on is that the two managers given to it manage entities which 
are derived from the two interfaces and behave accordingly. The component 
itself consists of a Listbox to select the master and a MultipleSelectCheckbox 
on the right side to select the Associated Slaves. A Common scenario in our 
application would be to map users to groups and groups to tasks etc.
I used the facelet-taglib with the source tag to define my component:

  | myTaglib.xml:
  | <facelet-taglib>
  |     <namespace>http://www.mobilanten.de/tags</namespace>
  |     <tag>
  |         <tag-name>associationTableInclude</tag-name>        
  |         <source>tags/associationTable.xhtml</source>   
  |     </tag>
  | </facelet-taglib>

  | testPage.xml:
  | <ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
  |     xmlns:mb="http://www.mobilanten.de/tags";>
  | <ui:define name="body">
  |     <tr:panelPage>        
  |             <mb:associationTableInclude
  |                     masterManager="#{gruppenManager}"
  |                     slaveManager="#{benutzerManager}"/>
  |     </tr:panelPage>
  | </ui:define>
  | </ui:composition>           
inside the associationTable.xhtml (not posted here) i can use #{masterManager} 
and get the concretized #{gruppenManager}.

when submitting the form, the called action method should call .save in the end.
 So the question his how to get the facelet template parameter #{masterManager} 
into my code by whatever means?

I have tried many things like giving the masterManager as Parameter to the 
action method(always null) now but am stuck, so i wonder if theres any way at 
all to do this..

Many thanks for your suggestions!
Tobias Kilian

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