Hi Tobias,

I ran into this problem previously as well, and had to work around it by 
solving my problem some other way.

However, I did just have an idea.  With normal JSF components that you use, you 
can inject them into your Seam bean with this:

  | @In(value="#{uiComponent['componentId']}")
  | private UIComponent component;

I'm not sure what instance of UIComponent this would inject, or how you can 
access your attributes.  But maybe this will work, if you give your component 
an ID when you use it?


"quilian" wrote : Hi Arthur!
  | Thanks for you reply, however according to
  | http://www.jsfcentral.com/articles/facelets_3.html
  | the ui:param and the custom tag approches are equivalent.
  | The question how to get that given parameter into my backing bean remains:
  | e.g., i have:
  |       <tr:commandButton id="saveButton" text="Save" 
  | where associationTable is a conversation scoped POJO living in 
.war-file/WEB-INF/classes. It must get the SelectManyCheckbox injected in order 
to preselect Slaves after the user has selected a Master. So associationTable 
is the listener for the valueChangeEvents and also keeps state of which Salves 
the user has selected. It must however inform the Managers that one of their 
entities has changed to get the database updated.
  | If anything on this approach is not "standard like" or how you would do it, 
please dont hesitate to correct me. However i thought keeping the UI-component 
"associationTable" seperated from my Buisness logic and therefor outside the 
.jar would be a good idea :-)
  | Greetings,
  | Tobias Kilian

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