
We have a Seam generated app, we're making some modifications, so we have the 
XHome class to manage the entity X.

Now, we have a hierarchy, A, B, C, all inherit from D, each has it's own home 
class (the use joined for inheritance type, each class has its own attributes).

We have another entity E, which has a relation to D (but in fact under the hood 
can be any of A, B, C)

Now, we have an action when if I save E, I have to create a new intance of D 
and save it. So for this, I made a factory to retrieve the correct Home for the 
D object (that is, retrieve AHome for a A entity and so on)

I have tried 2 aproaches, here they are:
1) In EHome, I use @In to declare AHome, BHome, CHome
In the factory, I use a TreeMap to store key pairs, between the entity and the 
home class bound name (ex: "package1.A", "aHome")
I have a method that retrieves from the context the Home based on the name.

2) In the factory I store in the map keys to retrieve the home class name (ex: 
"package1.A", "package2.AHome")
Then I instantiate it like this:
Class.forName( homeName ).newInstance()

In both cases the method returns the BasicHome (extended by AHome, BHome, 
CHome), and we call the persist method on it.

The first method works, but since we have about 20 classes extending from D it 
is not very good.
The second throws some NullPointerException inside some of the Seam framework 
I managed to figure one out, if i put this code I get reed of the first 
        home.setEntityClass( package1.A.class );
Here is the stack:
  |     at org.jboss.seam.framework.Controller.debug(Controller.java:183)
  |     at org.jboss.seam.framework.Home.createdMessage(Home.java:52)
  |     at org.jboss.seam.framework.EntityHome.persist(EntityHome.java:51)

So I'm asking what is the difference?

I mean, what is different is that the solution 1) uses the @In, and 2) uses the 
normal way of creating a class instance. I looked into the Seam code and I have 
not found any special constructors, one that sets some attributes or does 
anything special. So, what did I miss???

The line where the error is produced is this:

      log.debug(object, params);
So log is null.
Log is instantiated like this:
   @Logger Log log;

So, apparently, with the @In annotation, the log gets instantiated, but on the 
second method I tried it doesn't. 
Does Seam provide some methods to instantiate the classes?

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