As you say, BilanCongesServiceImpl does implement org.jboss.aop.Advised which 
means that your classes have been woven at compile-time.

When you say your AOP version is 1.3, I hope this does not mean you have 
downgraded the AOP version in AS 4.0.5.GA? AS 4.0.5.GA ships with AOP 1.5.2.GA 
and should stay on that AOP version or higher.

So, I guess what this means is that you are compiling the classes with AOP 1.3 
and running with AOP 1.5.2.GA/AS 4.0.5.GA, which will not work as I have now 
stated a few times. Or maybe I am confused since you have two threads open on 
the same subject, and in one place you are stating that you have disabled the 
AOP builder while now you are saying that (surprise) compiling with the AOP 
builder weaves the classes, in which case I am not sure why you sent me the war.

To be clear again, do NOT compile your classes with the AOP builder, and deploy 
them in JBoss with loadtime weaving enabled. Try the "injboss" tutorial example 
to satisfy yourself that it does actually work when you do not mix and match 
AOP versions.

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