For improved security,  I'd like to output cache control meta tags on pages 
that require login:

<meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="Pragma" />
  | <meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="Cache-Control" />
  | <meta content="no-store" http-equiv="Cache-Control" />
  | <meta content="max-age=0" http-equiv="Cache-Control" />
  | <meta content="1" http-equiv="Expires" />

I'd happily use these on all pages, however they have one negative side effect 
and that is the browser issues a "Page Expired" message whenever the back 
button is pressed.  For a large part of my site this level of security is not 
needed and I would prefer the back button to be easy to use.

To that end, is it possible to access Page.isLoginRequired from EL allowing me 
to write something like the following:

<s:fragment rendered="#{renderContext.loginRequired}">
  | <!-- META TAGS HERE -->
  | </:fragment>



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