I can edit a value with an enumerated type in the following way:

  | <h:selectOneMenu value="#{EditEntryComponent.blogEntry_be.category}">
  |   <s:selectItems value="#{EditEntryComponent.values}" var="enum" 
label="#{enum.label}" noSelectionLabel="Please select : " />
  |   <s:convertEnum />
  | </h:selectOneMenu>

EditEntryComponent.values points to:

  | public BlogEntry.Enum_category[] getValues() {
  |    return BlogEntry.Enum_category.values();
  | }

However, I would really like to omit this last function, and retrieve the 
values from the Enum_category enum directly. Does anybody see a way to express 
this in EL? I see a couple of problems:

* the Java Enum API exposes values(), which does not conform to the get/set 
convention: not really a problem, I can generate a getValues() static method in 
each enum declaration which delegates to values()
* I cannot use enhanced EL in s:selectItems (so it appears at least)
* even if I could, how would I make a call to a static method in EL (using 
possibly a fully qualified type, i.e. some.package.Enum_category.values() )

If someone sees a possibility or clever solution, please let me know...

(one solution I played with is to create the getValues() in the enum as 
mentioned, and to use an EL expr. like 
'EditEntryComponent.blogEntry_be.category.values'  in s:selectItems, so we 
retrieve the possible values from an instance. However, in this case I cannot 
retrieve the possible values if the instance is null...)

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