I took Seam (1.2.1 GA)'s "glassfish" example and got it deployed to OC4J 11 
(  Here's how I did it:

Keep in mind, the glassfish example compiles into an ear file, so these 
instructions involve how to manually deploy an ear file to OC4J...see below for 
hints on how to manually deploy a war file to OC4J.  Also...THIS DOES NOT WORK 
in OC4J 10, since OC4J 11 is the first release which is "fully" Java EE 5.0 
compatible (according to 


Section 1: Change some code so OC4J doesn't choke on it
(1) change persistence.xml:
        (add this line)

  | <property name="hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class"
  | value="org.hibernate.transaction.OrionTransactionManagerLookup"/>
        (delete this line if not using Derby)
<property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyDialect"/>

(2) change web.xml:
        (delete this line in the ejb reference for 

  | <local-home/>

(3) make the following classes implement Serializable (Oracle chokes on them, 
saying they don't adhere to the EJB 2.1 spec if you don't, which is lame):

  | ChangePasswordAction.java
  | HotelBookingAction.java
  | HotelSearchingAction.java
  | RegisterAction.java

(4) update conversations.xhtml to be the latest in CVS, as there's a bug in it 
which will cause an XML parsing error: 


Section 2: Configuring OC4J to see and successfully run your application
(1) configure oc4j/j2ee/home/config/server.xml:
        (add this line)

  | <application name="jboss-seam-glassfish" 
  | parent="default" start="true" />

(2) configure oc4j/j2ee/home/config/default-web-site.xml:
        (add this line)

  | <web-app application="jboss-seam-glassfish" name="jboss-seam-glassfish"
  | load-on-startup="true" root="/jboss-seam-glassfish" />

(3) configure oc4j/j2ee/home/config/data-sources.xml:
        (add these lines, which assume you have a MySQL database installed and 
available, given the following url, user and password) 

  | <managed-data-source user="test" password="test" 
  | jndi-name="jdbc/__default" name="jdbc/__default"/>
  |     <connection-pool name="mysqlDS">
  |             <connection-factory 
  | user="test" password="test" url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test" 
  |     </connection-pool>

(4) copy the following jar files to the oc4j/j2ee/home/applib directory:

  | commons-beanutils-core.jar **can be found in oc4j/j2ee/home/lib
  | commons-digester.jar **can be found in oc4j/j2ee/home/lib
  | jsf-api.jar **can be found in oc4j/lib/java/shared/oracle.jsf/1.2
  | jsf-impl.jar **can be found in oc4j/lib/java/shared/oracle.jsf/1.2
  | sun-commons-beanutils.jar **can be found in 
  | sun-commons-collections.jar **can be found in 
  | sun-commons-digester.jar **can be found in 
  | sun-commons-logging.jar **can be found in 
  | jboss-seam.jar **can be found in the root of your Seam directory
  | hibernate-all.jar **can be found in [Seam directory]/lib
  | jboss-ejb3-all.jar **can be found in [Seam directory]/lib
  | thirdparty-all.jar **can be found in [Seam directory]/lib
  | mysql-connector-java-5.0.4-bin.jar (if using MySql)


Section 3: Deploy your application to OC4J
(1) run "ant clean main" in the examples/glassfish directory

(2) copy the ear file from the examples/glassfish/build directory to the 
oc4j/j2ee/home/applications directory

(3) copy the jar file from the examples/glassfish/build directory to the 
oc4j/j2ee/home/applib directory

(4) start up oc4j and enjoy


You'll get some warnings and stuff (it's possible to do some more code and 
configuration tweaks to get rid of them), but your app should work.


Some other helpful hints:
(1) if you're not using an ear file, but rather a war file, you'll need to do a 
couple other (different from Section 2 above) things:
          (a) register both the ejb jar and the war fiile in 

  | <ejb-module id="jboss-seam-glassfish_ejb" 
  | <web-module id="jboss-seam-glassfish" 
          (b) register your app in oc4j/j2ee/home/config/default-web-site.xml:

  | <web-app application="default" name="jboss-seam-lunchvote" 
root="/jboss-seam-lunchvote" load-on-startup="true" />
               (note the application is simply "default")
          (c) don't change oc4j/j2ee/home/config/server.xml
          (d) make sure the ejb-module id you specify (in this case, 
"jboss-seam-glassfish_ejb") matches the jndi pattern you use in your 
application (in components.xml and web.xml)

(2) if you are wondering whether OC4J contains any of your Beans when it starts 
up (you're getting JNDI lookup problems, for example), try this utility:
http://localhost:8888/dmsoc4j/Spy (I've found clicking on the "Text" link in 
the upper left corner and doing a search on the bean name I'm looking for is 
most helpful)

(3) if you still get JNDI lookup problems and you know OC4J has your EJBs 
someplace, try putting @Startup at the top of the Session Bean it cannot find

(4) if you get the cryptic "java:comp/EJBContext not found" error, delete 
everything in your jndi.properties file...you don't need it...I got this error 
when trying to use something like:

  | (or com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory)
  | java.naming.provider.url=ormi://localhost/jndidemo
  | java.naming.security.principal=SCOTT
  | java.naming.security.credentials=TIGER
A blank jndi.properties file works, though.  *shrug*

(5) if you ever get an AnnotatedNoClassDefFoundError, just throw the 
appropriate jar file in oc4j/j2ee/home/applib and it should work

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