anonymous wrote : hmmm.... I noticed that, but I intentionally didn't want to 
give the instance the same name as the entity. What if I wanted to deal with 2 
LoginAccounts in my conversation?
  | I know the user registration is not a good example where I might want to 
have 2 instances of the same entity class, but it is definitely not an uncommon 
  | So do I understand it right that if I want to use an entity in my jsf page, 
then I can never have 2 of the same kind in a conversation?

Trying to dream up really complex cases is exactly the WRONG way to go about 
writing helloworld. It's about as smart as intentionally shooting yourself in 
the foot. Once you have actually mastered helloworld, and gone back to reading 
the documentation, you will find suggestions for how to handle this problem 
using eg: @Roles, or a manager or factory component.

But you don't have that problem now, and the solution you have tried is 
incorrect, so why not learn the basics first?

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