I'm working on some code where I am trying to do the following:

1. User clicks a link to an action method on a SFSB
2. method is annotated with @Begin, using a custom conversation id
2a. the custom conversation id comes from the following
2a-1. a @Factory method in a SLSB creates a new persistent entity; the id of 
this entity will be appended to a String to create a custom conversation id
2a-2. the @Factory class would like to use the existing persistent entity if 
possible (avoid creating new persistent or querying for existing persistent 
entity) - thus, I have an @In for the entity.
2a-3. here is the class with the @Factory method:

  | @Stateless
  | @Name("draftAccessRequestFinder")
  | public class DraftAccessRequestFinderBean implements 
DraftAccessRequestFinder {
  |     @Logger
  |     private Log log;
  |     @PersistenceContext(unitName = "accessControlDatabase")
  |     private EntityManager em;
  |     @In
  |     private Principal userPrincipal;
  |     @In("#{conversation.id}")
  |     private String conversationId;
  |     @In(required = false) @Out(scope= ScopeType.CONVERSATION)
  |     private DraftAccessRequestMaster draftAccessRequestMaster;
  |     @Factory("draftAccessRequestMaster")
  |     public DraftAccessRequestMaster createMaster() {
  |         log.info("DraftAccessRequestFinderBean.createMaster() : 
conversationId -> "+conversationId);
  |         log.info("DraftAccessRequestFinderBean.createMaster() : 
draftAccessRequestMaster -> "+draftAccessRequestMaster);
  |         // create or load draftAccessRequest....
  |         if (conversationId != null && conversationId.indexOf(':')>0 && 
draftAccessRequestMaster == null) {
  |             long id = 
  |             draftAccessRequestMaster = em.find(
  |                 DraftAccessRequestMaster.class, id
  |             );
  |             log.info("loaded draftAccessRequestMaster -> 
  |         }
  |         if (draftAccessRequestMaster == null) {
  |             if (userPrincipal == null) {
  |                 throw new RuntimeException("userPrincipal is null.");
  |             }
  |             if (!(userPrincipal instanceof UserPrincipal)) {
  |                 throw new RuntimeException("userPrincipal is not an 
instance of com.evergreen.jaas.UserPrincipal.");
  |             }
  |             draftAccessRequestMaster = new DraftAccessRequestMaster();
  |             draftAccessRequestMaster.setUserId(
  |                 ((UserPrincipal) userPrincipal).getUserid()
  |             );
  |             draftAccessRequestMaster.setUserName(
  |                 ((UserPrincipal) userPrincipal).getPersonName()
  |             );
  |             em.persist(draftAccessRequestMaster);
  |             em.flush(); // we need to obtain a PK for this entity now...
  |         }
  |         return draftAccessRequestMaster;
  |     }
  | }

3. here is the SFSB that wants the custom conversation id as well as a 
reference to the persistent entity:

  | @Stateful
  | // Seam - defaults to Conversational context...
  | @Name("accessRequestManager2")
  | public class AccessRequestManager2Bean implements AccessRequestManager2 {
  |     @Logger
  |     private Log log;
  |     @PersistenceContext(unitName = "accessControlDatabase")
  |     private EntityManager em;
  |     @In
  |     private UserPrincipal userPrincipal;
  |     // for development purposes only - todo remove this
  |     @In
  |     private Conversation conversation;
  |     @In(create=true) @Out(scope= ScopeType.CONVERSATION)
  |     private DraftAccessRequestMaster draftAccessRequestMaster;
  |     @Out
  |     private List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
  |     /**
  |      * Start a new add-access request.  This method also generates the 
conversationId to
  |      * use in the conversation that beans of this class are associated with.
  |      *
  |      * This is complicated - in 1 swoop, we need to
  |      * 1 - create the DraftAccessRequestMaster for the conversation 
  |      * 2 -
  |      */
  |     @Begin(id = "DraftAccessRequestID:#{draftAccessRequestMaster.id}", join 
= true)
  |     public void startAddRequest() {
  |         log.info("startAddRequest()");
  |         log.info(conversation);
  |         log.info("conversation.id = " + conversation.getId());
  |         log.info("conversation.parentId = " + conversation.getParentId());
  |         if (draftAccessRequestMaster == null) {
  |             log.info("draftAccessRequestMaster is null...not expected.");
  |         }
  |         ....
  |     }
  | }   

4. here is a link that calls the SFSB method:

  |             <s:link action="#{accessRequestManager2.startAddRequest}" 
value="Add 2"
  |                     title="Add entitlements to an application for a user.">
  |             </s:link>

5. and here is a log of what occurs

  |                   First click of link...
  | 10:53:32,805  INFO 
com.evergreen.accesscontrol.impl.DraftAccessRequestFinderBean - 
DraftAccessRequestFinderBean.createMaster() : conversationId -> 3
  | 10:53:32,805  INFO 
com.evergreen.accesscontrol.impl.DraftAccessRequestFinderBean - 
DraftAccessRequestFinderBean.createMaster() : draftAccessRequestMaster -> null
  | 10:53:32,805  INFO 
com.evergreen.accesscontrol.entity.DraftAccessRequestMaster - new 
  | 10:53:32,821  INFO 
com.evergreen.accesscontrol.impl.AccessRequestManager2Bean - startAddRequest()
  | 10:53:32,821  INFO 
com.evergreen.accesscontrol.impl.AccessRequestManager2Bean - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | 10:53:32,821  INFO 
com.evergreen.accesscontrol.impl.AccessRequestManager2Bean - conversation.id = 
  | 10:53:32,821  INFO 
com.evergreen.accesscontrol.impl.AccessRequestManager2Bean - 
conversation.parentId = null
  |          Second click of link (expecting to find draftAccessRequestMaster 
in memory for conversation but it's not found...)
  | 10:53:36,915  INFO 
com.evergreen.accesscontrol.impl.DraftAccessRequestFinderBean - 
DraftAccessRequestFinderBean.createMaster() : conversationId -> 
  | 10:53:36,915  INFO 
com.evergreen.accesscontrol.impl.DraftAccessRequestFinderBean - 
DraftAccessRequestFinderBean.createMaster() : draftAccessRequestMaster -> null
  | 10:53:36,930  INFO 
com.evergreen.accesscontrol.entity.DraftAccessRequestMaster - new 
  | 10:53:36,930  INFO 
com.evergreen.accesscontrol.impl.DraftAccessRequestFinderBean - loaded 
draftAccessRequestMaster -> DraftAccessRequestMaster{...}
  | 10:53:36,930  INFO 
com.evergreen.accesscontrol.impl.AccessRequestManager2Bean - startAddRequest()
  | 10:53:36,930  INFO 
com.evergreen.accesscontrol.impl.AccessRequestManager2Bean - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | 10:53:36,946  INFO 
com.evergreen.accesscontrol.impl.AccessRequestManager2Bean - conversation.id = 
  | 10:53:36,946  INFO 
com.evergreen.accesscontrol.impl.AccessRequestManager2Bean - 
conversation.parentId = null

So note that I @Out(ject) the entity to Conversation scope, however, when the 
link is clicked the second time the SLSB and the SFSB don't have an instance of 
draftAccessRequestMaster injected.  So why can't I find my 
conversational-scoped entity?  It looks like the conversation is correctly 
@Begin(ning) or joining based on whether or not the conversation exists.

Brad Smith

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