I initially posted this issue to the JNDI forum, but didn't get a response.  It 
seemed to me my problem was stemming from clustering, since (as indicated 
below) I'm getting a message that my local JBoss AS is trying to access a 
clustered JBoss AS on my LAN.  So I'm submitting to this forum in hopes that 
the Clustering experts can help me resolve my issue.

Here's the situation. We've had a web app that's been running fine on JBoss 
4.0.5.GA, as the server-side for a Flex app.  All developers are running JBoss 
AS's on their local machines and sharing a common MSSQL database.  I built an 
MDB, added it to the deploy dir, and it worked somewhat with our web app, but 
the MDB couldn't find the FlexSession stuff. So we thought we'd build an .ear, 
to include the .war of the web app and the .jar of the MDB.

The problem I'm getting on start-up isanonymous wrote : ...
  | 17:59:02 INFO [org.hibernate.util.NamingHelper] JNDI InitialContext 
  | 17:59:02 FATAL [org.hibernate.connection.DatasourceConnectionProvider] 
Could not find datasource: jdbc/PlanITDataSource
  | javax.naming.CommunicationException: Failed to retrieve stub from server [Root exception is java.io.StreamCorruptedException: 
unexpected block data]
  | ...

Now, I never had this problem before, so something is not configured right, I 
guess. That IP address belongs to my colleague, who is running a clustered 
JBoss setup; I'm running non-clustered.  (18 and 38 are the clustered AS, 14 is 
mine, and 30 is the data server.) He's also running Linux, whereas I'm running 
Windows XP Pro. He was able to get the app up and running, after wading through 
some configuration issues. We're on the same LAN, as are the other developers, 
who are only using the .war, not the .ear or .jar (MDB), and they don't 
experience any errors (all are on Windows boxes).

Can you please tell me what's wrong with our set-up? Is there a way to make 
sure the clustered JBoss installation doesn't interfere with the non-clustered 
ones? I'm hoping that will solve my issue. Or maybe there's another solution.

Pauly T.

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