"tptackab" wrote : My best guess would be as follows:
  | my-application/
  |   |     src/
  |   |         com.myapp.foo.java
  |   |         com.myapp.bar.java
  |   |         ...
  |   |     WebContent/
  |   |         index.html
  |   |         index.xhtml
  |   |         foopage.xhtml
  |   |         barpage.xhtml
  |   |         META-INF/
  |   |             MANIFEST.MF
  |   |         WEB-INF/
  |   |             faces-config.xml
  |   |             web.xml
  |   |             components.xml
  |   |             seam.properties
  |   |             LIB/
  |   |                 jboss-seam.jar
  |   |                 jboss-seam-ui.jar
  |   |                 el-api.jar
  |   |                 el-ri.jar
  |   |                 jsf-facelets.jar
  |   |                 hibernate3.jar
  |   |                 hibernate-annotations.jar
  |   |                 ...  
  | ...
  | Am I on the right track?

In short, yes, you are. The standard WAR structire (without application code in 
JAR) works ok for Seam. I'm currently using Eclipse 3.2 (waiting for 3.3 to hit 
GA) + WTP 1.5 (again, I'm behind you there), and my setup is pretty much the 
one you've shown, with only one difference: all JARs are instead placed in 
my-application/lib, and linked to the project as "J2EE Module Dependencies". 
It's only a matter of taste though, placing them in WEB-INF/lib would work just 
the same (I tried).

And just for your reference, here's the list of JARs I have in the project, in 
case you're trying to figure out which ones you're missing:

  | lib/commons/commons-codec-1.3.jar
  | lib/commons/commons-collections-3.2.jar
  | lib/commons/commons-digester-1.7.jar
  | lib/commons/commons-fileupload-1.1.1.jar
  | lib/commons/commons-lang-2.2.jar
  | lib/commons/commons-logging-1.1.jar
  | lib/commons/itext-2.0.1.jar
  | lib/commons/log4j-1.2.13.jar
  | lib/jpa/antlr-2.7.6.jar
  | lib/jpa/asm.jar
  | lib/jpa/cglib-2.1.3.jar
  | lib/jpa/dom4j-1.6.1.jar
  | lib/jpa/ejb3-persistence.jar
  | lib/jpa/hibernate-3.2.3.jar
  | lib/jpa/hibernate-annotations-3.3.0.jar
  | lib/jpa/hibernate-commons-annotations.jar
  | lib/jpa/hibernate-entitymanager-3.3.1.jar
  | lib/jpa/hibernate-validator-3.0.0.jar
  | lib/jpa/javassist.jar
  | lib/jpa/jboss-archive-browsing.jar
  | lib/jsf/ajax4jsf-1.1.0.jar
  | lib/jsf/el-api.jar
  | lib/jsf/el-ri.jar
  | lib/jsf/jsf-api.jar
  | lib/jsf/jsf-facelets-1.1.11.jar
  | lib/jsf/jsf-impl.jar
  | lib/jsf/oscache-2.3.2.jar
  | lib/mc/concurrent.jar
  | lib/mc/jboss-common-jdbc-wrapper.jar
  | lib/mc/jboss-common.jar
  | lib/mc/jboss-container.jar
  | lib/mc/jboss-dependency.jar
  | lib/mc/jboss-j2ee.jar
  | lib/mc/jboss-j2se.jar
  | lib/mc/jboss-jca.jar
  | lib/mc/jboss-local-jdbc.jar
  | lib/mc/jboss-microcontainer.jar
  | lib/mc/jboss-security.jar
  | lib/mc/jboss-system.jar
  | lib/mc/jboss-transaction.jar
  | lib/mc/jnpserver.jar
  | lib/mc/xercesImpl.jar
  | lib/seam/jboss-seam-debug.jar
  | lib/seam/jboss-seam-pdf.jar
  | lib/seam/jboss-seam-ui.jar
  | lib/seam/jboss-seam.jar

About half of them is the microcontainer, really, so if you're using embedded 



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