hi kruno,

thank you for your response..
i found that its not an database error.
i can retrieve data from table..

but the problem is in viewing..
how to view(display) that details in my view page..

i am using facelet file to view that data.

and this is my session bean class which retrieving data

public class SearchSession implements SearchLocal 
   private List details;
   public String search() 
      details =em.createQuery("select s.storeName,s.reviewPoints,s.website from 
Stores s").getResultList();
      System.out.println("list : "+details);
      return "query";

and my facelet file contains,

<rich:dataTable width="483" id="details" rows="10" columnClasses="col" 
value="#{details}" var="val">
                <h:outputText value="#{val.storeName}" />
                <h:outputText value="#{val.reviewpoints}" />
                <h:outputText value="#{val.website}" />

now help me to view them in my facelet file..
thank you

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