"wesleyhales" wrote : 
  | I *finally* got my tomcat impl up and running with embedded (don't laugh), 
and I gotta say that 2 lines of config code and a few jars is nothing to gripe 
about for local development. I am just deploying a context to  tomcat via 
maven/cargo and everything works like a charm. The only thing missing now is a 
scan interval for picking up changes.

Yes, this isn't difficult to install. 

But take it from this prospective, when you already have a Tomcat environment 
up in production and sysadmins that are "trained" and support it. Try asking 
them to install some jars to tomcat libs and modify server.xml on ever 
instance... This isn't even taking into account they will have to change their 
upgrade process.  Just imagine "You want me to do what?, for just one 

Then you might be thinking ok, hmm maybe you could get them to install JBoss 
AS. Nope. Imagine again: "You want us to learn some new AS, for just one [EMAIL 

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